Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Selecting Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

Affiliate marketing is one way in which bloggers utilize their blog to generate revenue. The amount of revenue generated by a blog featuring affiliate marketing links may vary significantly depending on the amount of traffic the blog receives as well as the compensation offered for the affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing essentially entails creating a link on the blog to another company’s website. The other company then compensates the blog owner according to a previously agreed upon contract. This compensation may be awarded in a number of different ways. The blog owner may be compensated each time the advertisement is served, each time a unique website visitor clicks through the advertisement or each time a blog visitor performs a desired action such as making a purchase or registering with the website. This article will discuss some aspects of affiliate marketing which bloggers should understand including selecting opportunities carefully, maximizing the income potential for these opportunities and understanding the requirements associated with these affiliate marketing opportunities.

Selecting Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

There is a wide variety of affiliate marketing opportunities available. Many different companies and websites offer affiliate marketing opportunities. In most cases the blog owner simply needs to submit the website address of his blog along with some other basic information for approval. In most cases the company is not likely to reject the application unless the content of the website is deemed to be objectionable or otherwise in conflict of interest with the company’s goals. However, although getting approved to display affiliate links on your website is a rather simple process, this does not mean blog owners should select these affiliate marketing opportunities without discretion. It is a far better idea to carefully select affiliate marketing opportunities with companies who are of interest to the target audience of the blog.

Blogging for Business Owners

If you run a small company, you may find that the world of blogging for business owners is a world that you want to be a part of. Blogging is a great way to get the word out to consumers about your product or service, and it can even be useful for inspiring employee loyalty and helping you keep your workers at peak morale. If you are looking for a way to take your business to the next level, consider what starting a blog might be able to do for you.

Blogging for business owners has a lot in common with all other types of blogging, but it has its own unique pitfalls and strengths. The key to having a successful blog as a business owner is keeping your goals clear and concrete at every step of your blogging adventure. It can be all to easy to get sidetracked, especially if you are just learning about the exciting possibilities of
blogging technology, but if you want your blog to succeed you need to stay focused. Write up a plan for how often you will update, how you will promote your blog and retain readers, whether you will feature photographs or video, and other aspects of your blog, and then stick to it with the same kind of determination that you used when you built your company.


Poor that are richer than the rich

In modern world depression is something as common as having a headache or a hangover after a rough night out, but only few people realize how serious this problem really is. Try to find a person who has never shown signs of depression and you will realize that it's almost impossible. Almost, but not definitely. Recent studies have shown that there is a group of people in the modern world who don't even know what depression is all about. And surprisingly, these people are generally very poor and far from what most people would consider as good wellbeing.

While this statement will seem ridiculous to most of us, this is true and can be proven even using simple logics. You won't see a poor man or woman worrying about their lost success, or craving for a new car they want to get so bad. The only thing they worry about is getting food and having a place to spend a cold night. These people are free from aspirations and stresses most middle and upper class individuals have to deal with. If put simple, poor people are in a dream-like state of full mental harmony with their physiological needs. They aren't troubled by their spiritual or emotional desires, they aren't troubled by things others might think or say about them. Of course, living below the line of poverty has its stresses and burdens but they are always stripped down to simple bodily needs. No psychological worries, no stress, no depression.

In contrast, you will find the majority of extremely rich and upper class individual taking Xanax, Prozac or Valium to calm down and get them through. Having much money or being in the spotlight has its price tag, which usually comes in the form of certain limits, responsibilities and things to worry about. People from middle and upper classes pay too much attention to they way others see them and this alone is a rich source of mental stress. And what happens when something goes slightly wrong? A homeless individual won't bother if his or her new Bentley gets stolen, because they don't have it. A rich mogul will hire dozens of professionals to protect his private house and spend hours (and tons of valium)on worrying about the latest news from stock exchange. And isn't it ironic that in such a situation the poor are actually richer than the rich, if you know from what point of view to look?


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Type 3 for Opting Online Articles

One way to increase traffic to our blog is to make a lot of content searchable through the search engine netter. After a walk from one blog to another blog, I see there are various tips to increase blog traffic by type of articles posted.
Articles about what it? I have to say the following three types of articles that I have found a strategy to improve traffic blogger his blog.
If you already applied, thanks for sharing here.

(First, articles that are Hot When It's)

The first can make an article that was 'hot'. By raising the topic of things that were discussed during this busy, can bring visitors in abundance. (up in droves instead)
I found this on the blogs that write about the issue of Manohara Pinot, Mother Prita Mulyasari with the case of his Omni Hospital, or in the articles about the 2009 General Election, voting to Ambalat conflict.
You often see her own right? Lots of blogs to raise the issue and Mother Manohara Pinot Prita Mulyasari very crowded?
The weakness of the election posting topics about current issues is the first topic did not last long. It could be just a few days a very crowded canopies, but then after the issue began to subside, read the other day seemed stale. Iya ngga?
The solution, yes .. look for other recent issues hehe, must update continues.
Second, subjective nih; is less suitable for blogs with specific topics such as blogging about my blog, for example. not connect 'it, when suddenly I write about Manohara Pinot or mulyasari prita mother?
For the first type of posting is more appropriate for news or gossip blog, or also for personal blogs that want to tell anything.

(Second, article 'Bad' that smelled of Pornography, etc..)

The second, by making bad posts by targeting specific keywords that are pornographic. Know is, such topics are very popular ..
But this is not recommended hell, the 'you want to write post-post like this? About adult stories, adult stories hot naked girls pictures, etc.. so?
Although, not a blogger who also writes on this topic with a play style just to chase traffic, which is important keywordnya, 'a story for adults', 'hot adult story', 'pictures naked girls', and .. traffic will come by itself.
Often you also find it is like this?

(Third, the article 'Long Lasting' based on keywords that are highly sought)

Then the third, making the posting that in a long time was always much sought after by netter. Posting-posting of tutorials, or tips; can about health tips, blog tips, beauty tips, or other topics that are sought after by keyword.
How to know what are sought after by netter on search engines? You can use the keyword tracker
Live search keywords / topics that match your blog topic, get the various other keyword suggestion along with the number of searches, and make posts that contain keywords that target.
In other words we provide clear information much needed.
This third type which I will try in the post-post to the front. The result? Untested .. but if you can win a position on search engines, I would have brought many visitors and much traffic

Tips Tips Promosi Blog

If you are making a new blogger. I suggest you to immediately conduct a campaign. Both online and offline promotions. Here I will give some tips that might be useful for you.


For online promotion. I suggest you follow a few tips that I usually wear when promoting my blog. This tipsnya tips ...


You can promote your blog in a few forums leading forum in Indonesia. Just take the example is KASKUS. Or Andapun can also promote it in FORUM kusus bloggers like. Who knows from there you get lots of visitors and new friends, right?


You can also promote your blog on SOCIAL NETWORK WEBSITE such as Friendster or Facebook. Simply to draw attention to your friends. You can create your own blog banner. Banner blog actually has many functions. One of them is a media campaign and identification of your blog. You can make your blog banner easily with the help of graphic design applications like Adobe PhotoShop.

3. Blogwalking

You can promote your blog how blogwalking to another person. You can simply leave a comment followed by your blog address or by leaving a ShoutOut on widgets such as ShoutMix or Oggix. That way, the blog owner will repay your visit. But remember! Do not do SPAM.

4. E-Mail Friends Your Contacts

You have many friends on E-Mail contact you? If yes. So you have a golden opportunity to bring more visitors to your blog. You can send your messages individually to your friends to visit your blog. And I remind you again not to SPAM.

5. Google AddUrl

You can optimize your blog visitors to submit to multiple sites or search engines directories. One of my Google recomendasikan is AddUrl. You only live to go to this address: then enter your blog address and your task is completed. Just wait for the process of the index.


6. Mouth-To-Mouth

If you are someone who has many friends. So I suggest you to promote your blog to your friends by way of "Mouth-To-Mouth", which means that you promote it by telling your friends through simple conversation you usually do in daily life.

7. SMS

You often get free SMS? Use the opportunity to promote your blog. You can get SMS all your friends that they visit your blog. Easy is not this way?

8. Brochures

Perhaps in this way can also be done if you feel this is not excessive. You can menyerbarkan brochures to the person or put the brochure in a cybercafe internet cafe. Although requiring considerable capital. But, the results in can be bad, right? Especially if you join the Adsense. Maybe a lot of clicking.

Many of my articles. Good for you who read it will be beneficial in increasing the visitor to this blog or just simply promote it. Thank you for reading my article. I pray you are successful in promoting your blog.

30 Tips Traffic Blog

Certainly easier to learn something from the experience of others, listening to live danmenyerap core-juice and adjust to our needs and context, and practice. Included in the blogging business.

Here are tips pulled from the bloggers about the strategy to boost traffic to your blog.

1. Sridhar Katakam: A good way to keep the conversation going (and the "social gathering" traffic) is to install a MyBlogLog and visit the blogs of people who visit your site.
2. Ian Delaney: There is no traffic in the long-term stable unless there is something that we offer. The post could link to, over the long term effect than the front page of Digg.
3. Scott Townsend: Tell the search engine and aggregator like Technorati when you update your blog and this should be to capture traffic for your blog pretty.
4. Kyle: Look at the complex issues in your field tongkrongi, and make a lighter version and solid; I was surprised to find that a simple post will appear before a more complex version in search engines.
5. Grant Gerver: Try to be polemic. I wrote something about the politics of the left-wing perspective in the form of one-line humor, sarcastic.
6. Daniel: A simple tip which may increase your page views: install a plug-in translator. I decided to use the plu-gin paying for this, although there are several versions of the free as well.
7. Rory: Send articles to blog carnivals related to your niche or field. Your article almost always posted, and he must produce a handful of visitors, at least.
8. Ramen Junkie: Newsgroups. I always sprayed surge of traffic when I post to the newsgroup reviews.
9. Eric Atkins: Create a new design for your site-not only will become more interesting for your readers, but you can also send it to some CSS gallery. This usually produces a lot of traffic and back-link for you.
10. Megan Taylor: Participate in the conversation on the blog related. Start conversations on your own blog. Do not just post about a story and leave it, tie your readers: ask something and ask them to do something.
11. Guido: Write a blog, write useful content and establish friendships in the forums.
12. Brian Auer: You must be pro-active. I give comments on other blogs related to mine, and I give my site link below my name on the forums. Tell us about your blog and it will attract readers.
13. Shankar Ganesh: Use and you will get visitors to your blog. Also try to join as many communities related to your topic.
14. Andrew Timberlake: Great Tips to generate traffic off line with under URLanda include your name on business cards, under the letterhead, pamphlets, advertisements.
15. Cory OBrien: Read lots of other blogs. Leave the track-back. Teroptimalisasi Make sure your blog for search engines. Take advantage of bookmarking sites like digg.
16. Jester: Leave comments on other blogs. If you've read them, only takes a few seconds to leave a message agree or disagree with the author. You just put a link to your site, and you almost certainly will get traffic from the forum comments.
17. Goerge Manty: Post 3-5 times a day. Use ping services like Pingomatic or set up WordPress to ping several ping services. Build polls, ask something, create quizzes, free tools, etc.. Make them want to come back and tell their friends about you.
18. Engtech: This is one word but the most important when blogging: community. The true size of blog readers are a community. The easiest way to raise your blog is with an existing community. But the only way to do this is to be part of the community.
19. Chris: Squidoo Lenses are a good way to generate traffic. By using a lense, you can generate your site communities, including some of the more popular pages around you. Include your web pages in a list like that is a good way to generate traffic.
20. Splork: I am a successful writing articles and submitting them to EzineArticles. This article has been written with the key phrases that teriset good and accepted by EzineArticles tend to get high rankings on Google for the words you are looking for.
21. Jen Gordon: I got an unexpected traffic when my blog appear in some css design portals like and If you create a concept and design of your blog, I recommend to send your site into a portal designed not just to increase traffic, but to build additional community around your site.
22. KAT: I have just engaged in some communities such as "MySpace" that focused on my target visitors. I share my thoughts on their forums, post intros to my blog and their blog system and I even made a group for my specific market. This was very successful for me.
23. Inspirationbit: Well, obviously everyone knows to social bookmarking sites like Digg,, etc. bring lots of traffic. But now I send my articles to the (sites like digg for bloggers), and I always get good traffic from there.
24. Mark Alves: Participate in Yahoo Answers and Answers Linkedln where you can show your skills, connect with relevant keywords and put your URL there.
25. Tillerman: Be the first to write about the "10 Great Blog" in your field. Post it will get high rankings on search engine blogs and other bloggers will write about it and post a link to it.
26. Nick: Participating in the forum is the best way to get loyal readers. Good writing links in your signature or great tips will give you high quality traffic, which will make visitors come back.
27. Brandon Wood: A simple trick I have I use in my blog is participate in group writing project. Actually, that's what I'm doing right now.
28. Alan Thomas: Do not forget your records. I'm just posting all the interviews I did during the last seven months. One of them find new links and traffic from a group of readers who seem to be loyal readers now.
29. KWiz: Write something controversial. I do not think anything good to write something controversial just for the purpose of getting traffic, but the way it works.
30. Dennis Coughlin: Find the best blogs in your field and contact the author. Introduce yourself and send a link to your blog. This will help them find your blog, read it and maybe make a link.

10 steps to become a true bloger

This article is for beginners or bloger interested reader to become bloger (like writing on the blog), while senior bloger already forbidden to read. I wrote down 10 steps to become a true bloger. Want to know what it is?

Here's 10 steps to bloger true:

1. Write an article that is your own work (not copy-paste).
2. Write more articles.
3. Write one more.
4. Add more of an article.
5. Add another blog with an original article.
6. Write one new article.
7. Write one more.
8. Do not stop writing, add 1 article again.
9. Add an article should not be afraid any longer.
10. Back to step 1.

So what?

In essence, to be a true bloger, we must write and write. Remove all the chains, what we in mind, write it. As long as you do not harm others with your writing, please write. Blog is a personal site free content will be filled by the owner anything. How do I find ideas?
Ideas for blog material

"Reviews the news"

You can open an online newspaper and read the news that you like, then take 1 or two sentences the core of the news and put it into your blog. Then ulaslah news from the point of view and your knowledge. Which could for example Reviewed technological developments, the current world economy, and so on.


We certainly had their fair share of school, college, or even learning self-taught. Science is not necessarily other people know about it? In this blog we can describe something that we know it to be easily understandable explanation readers. In addition to the-to our knowledge, we can also know what others think about our knowledge or science is.

"Personal Experience"

Not just vent, but write your personal experience about lessons can be taken by readers. We've lived for years right? There must be something that ever happened to us and may be taken a lesson to others who read our articles.


If you often make others laugh with your humor, comedy, you can write on the blog. A short paragraph is enough to make a funny story your work. Or also can be a picture or a funny comic. Blog this type is very broad audience and make visitors addictive.

"Lessons College / School '

You can write a lesson materials or school classes to your blog. On the one hand you learn, on the other side you will find the questions from readers that stimulate you to further explore the science. For example during lectures or courses taught about the "network computer", why not write about the "network computer" on your blog? Easy is not it? Because the material is complete, just write. In fact, if done seriously, your blog will become a virtual university will refer many people.

"Other topics"

There are many other topics that could be blog material, I leave to your creativity

HTML Editing Tips Blogspot

If we tamper with, or editing HTML kadang2 blog will have difficulties, especially for those who are still somewhat newbies. Whether it be nemu not want to edit the code that is, can not be saved because the error is, There pesen error is not obvious, and who is the other, yes to ...??? Nha tricks and tips this time will try gimana ways to overcome or at least reduce the problem "is is" a kadang2 or frequent them.
Here are some tips for editing HTML bogger:

1. Backup Template
Backup template is important because if things happen that are not chilled, such as blogs become damaged then we can make it like normal (before damage) if we are already backing up the template. How to backup this template is easy. Simply click on the link "Download Full Template" and save the template file in our computer. Kalo goes wrong we can not overcome, we live aja upload the template file.

2. Check the box "Expand Widget Templates"
This is kadang2 forgotten the "editor". If the box "Expand Widget Templates" is not checked then the search possibilities kode2 not found. Kadang2 But it need not be performed depending on the tutorial instructions. So watch the tutorial baik2 reply to Edit HTML blog.

Surf Security and Blogger Virus

After reading on a site on the internet, I saw there was an article that explained that the site has dihack / uprooted by a blog will get Hakcer.Pemilik Spam Post / posts containing fake links to download all the viruses and site data, and some site owners also reported that they found the code on the curious code templatenya.Pada this article, I will share with you some tips I've learned in the safety and protection disunia Internet. This includes actions that we can do to prevent or minimize the possibility of a blog that Blogger has a virus or hacker sites on. Well I will also discuss a bit about the blog that use blogspot as their domain, whether successfully uprooted / spread the virus as well.

Is Safe?

The article in the BBC writes that, reported that the latest incident was the work of a group of hackers who have been attacked since the January before. They use a spam message posted on a fake site or sent via email to trick users and download malicious programs / damage. Links can sometimes be a false link call beratas Youtube link or a digital greeting card link. In addition, an email containing the internet informal lesson, where the recipient thinks that the letter came from their friends. In an official response, Eric from the Blogger team has confirmed that Blogger was not affected. However, bloggers who blog posts from the machine which is controlled by Trojan horses. In short, the Blogger platform and if there are safe, The blog owner must ensure that their computers have been checked and are protected against malware.

How can virus attack blogger?

Prior experience it then we must be prepared to take precautions, I might want to know how they send a fake post-post into the blog.

When you log in to Blogger, you can see in the Settings -> Features Email "Mail-to-Blogger Address". This allows you to find out what content made by the perpetrators to your blog, because when you enable this feature then every post you make will be sent to your email.

If you have checked the box "Publish", any messages sent to this address will automatically be published in the blog. If the "Publish" box is checked, then the message will be saved and you must log in to your Blogger account to publish it. Email subject will appear as the Title of Blog Post. Although this is a useful feature for people everywhere, it is also one that can be exploited. All that is required for each person to send an email to this address and what is in the email will appear on your blog. Oleh karena itu penting bahwa alamat ini akan tetap rahasia dan siapa saja yang tidak berwenang seharusnya tidak dapat untuk posting di Blog Anda.

When taking Root viruses on your computer, can be dangerous to send posts to the email address book alamt stored in your system. If the email address above is one of them, you'll see the post in your blog. Since the blog is a legitimate military you, your friends and readers can read the post and click a few links to think that you will not put hazardous materials in your blog. Once they do that, their computer will be infected with viruses because they are less careful with malware and in turn they have a dangerous link appears on the blog itself, and the cycle goes on.

Preventive measures such viruses must ensure the security of your Blog:

If you see a post you will need to be sent to your blog via email, or other person know that your letter to the blogger address, go back to Settings -> Email and select / change the address to something that can not easily guess. Because the purpose of this function is to have a published post without having to login to Blogger, ticking the "Publish" is a reasonable option. After saving the settings, return to your email software melauli eg Outlook Express, Eudora. To delete a letter-to-blogger address from the address book. And if the actors try to ruin your blog by sending a post / article that contains a virus, it automatically posts it will not be sent to your blog.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Learn more about Website Hosting

Trying to identify a web hosting can be a very daunting task especially when there are so many available nowadays and all of them promise one thing or another because looking for and buying a reliable web hosting solution is an imperative decision. inding the best hosting service for your website can be complicated. The best way to select a quality web hosting is to take the selection process one step at a time.

If you are currently engaged in any facet of ecommerce, even service sectors, a website makes up a great deal of your business. Therefore, it is a safe assumption that you pay for hosting your website in some fashion. If you do not already have a dedicated server, perhaps you should revisit the decision for the best hosting options for your business.

Green hosting was scarce a few years ago, however, recently this type of web hosting has come into the limelight. There are a handful of companies who started off 100% green while others have gradually converted. Even some of the most widely known providers have made the switch to offer a more eco-friendly web hosting product. Many begin in the office by recycling waste paper and utilizing bio-fuel for heating purposes. This leads to the data centers where servers thrive off alternative sources such as wind, solar and geothermal energy. Some have went out and purchased RECs (Renewable Energy Credits), a certification which assures the company is using alternatives forms of power.

There are some who question the performance and overall reliability you receive with a green hosting platform. In actuality, renewable energy is proven to be just as reliable and effective as conventional electricity. Green hosts are successfully running their businesses just as everyone else is. Like the traditional provider is equipped with electrical backup sources, these companies are prepared to produce renewable energy to keep the operation flourishing.

In today's competitive world reliable web hosting is very critical especially for the success of online businesses. You need to seek a web hosting company that can p

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cara Membuat Email Jawaban Otomatis di Yahoo Mail dan Gmail

Setelah sebelumnya membahas tentang cara membuat signature email di Yahoomail dan Gmail kini kita lanjutkan tips-tips email marketing lanjutan dengan menggunakan email gratis. Sering kali waktu anda liburan, anda tidak bisa mempromosikan produk-produk serta blog anda. Kini, anda bisa atasi persoalan itu dengan email jawaban otomatis. Jadi setiap email yang masuk pada anda, akan mendapatkan jawaban otomatis.

Langsung saja mari kita bahas cara membuat jawaban otomatis email…

Namun sebelum itu, bagi yang belum tahu bagaimana cara membuat email, bisa dibaca di blog aktivasi untuk Gmail dan di sini untuk membuat email di Yahoo!.

Setelah email anda miliki,berikutnya kita akan mulai membuat email jawaban otomatis di Yahoo Mail.

1. Pertama silakan anda masuk (sign in) ke email anda dengan memasukkan Yahoo ID serta password. Setelah masuk ke dalam halaman email yahoo anda, silakan klik tulisan option (opsi) pada kanan atas dan klik mail option.

2. Lalu pada halaman baru yang terbuka, anda pilih vacation response dan bila fitur tersebut belum diaktifkan anda bisa klik enable auto- response during your vacation untuk mengaktifkannya.

3. Kemudian anda akan dibawa ke halaman baru. Dan di sana anda bisa atur duration (waktu jawaban email otomatis tersebut diaktifkan). Anda bisa atur dengan mengatur tanggal aktif (start date) sampai akhir tanggal aktif (end date). Serta pada generic response, bisa dilengkapi dengan pesan singkat anda. Misalkan berupa pesan sebagai berikut:

Terima kasih atas email Anda. Segera saya akan membalasnya.

PS: Sambil menunggu, anda bisa kunjungi juga

Pada teks berwarna merah, sesuaikan dengan ID formulabisnis anda. Bila sudah klik turn auto-response on.

4. Hasilnya sebagai berikut ini. Email otomatis tersebut akan terkirim secara otomatis kepada setiap orang yang mengirimkan email pada anda dalam durasi waktu yang sudah anda tentukan.


Friday, May 8, 2009

17 Tips Blog

1. Do check the pages on several different web browser: Display your pages so beautiful in
firefox browser but not necessarily good in IE or Opera browser or other browsers.
Remember that your blog visitors do not just use one browser only. for that you are trying to do checks
with a different browser, eg: Firefox, Flock, Mozilla, IE, Opera, Safari.
2. Color options on blogs: Color selection is easy bother to taste it all depends on the blog owner.
Do not be too selfish, choose colors according to the theme of your blog. try if you think your blog about religion with
black color options, looks weird is not! black majority is more inclined to a themed site
3. Avoid Installing Hours: Ask yourself what's the point put the clock on your blog, if only
as a reminder of time or to beautify the page should not have used, what good hours on
taksbar windows. which obviously would make your page load heavier.
4. Avoid tide calendar: What use windows calendar? people need information from your blog not want to see
calendar. mere calendar information I mean the general calendar, different calendar
showing a post (usually a lot of used wordpress users)
5. Avoid pairs of the number of visitors remains: if you are new blogs do not use the number of visitors (counter), it will
result in a poor assessment of your blog. although for some counter service providers to provide
facility to manipulate and increase the number of visitors manually, you try to think of new blogs created
already reached 100,000 visitors what is possible?.
6. Do not pleading to request click on the ads: avoid the word "click the ads below" or whatever language
ask your visitors to click on ads. until now there are some blogs that do that (sorry
If your blog included in this case) who the hell this world who like to be governed, without your menyuruhpun visitors
will click on these ads if they are deemed useful gai.
7. Do not put ads cluttering: Ads that many are very profitable, but do not
to your page content and ads ads only. Advertise proper course and do you know who your visitors are
uncomfortable with the ads that are seemingly beyond the capacity of the contents of your blog page.
8. Avoid installing a song on his blog: In addition to create pages that display the blog heavy track rather impressed not
professional and forgiveness rather impressed earlier times (jadul). No matter if you blog about music or personal blog
but for less rich business block matching.
9. Displays the status of IP visitors: Blog you are not a spy program khan?, So better not to be installed in order
visitors do not feel spied on.
10. Installing widgets that no hubunganganya with blog: Adding widgets is fun
but if it has nothing to impress even your blog weird. install a widget in accordance with the needs of all.
11. Do not just Copy-Paste: I do not forbid you to do Copy-Paste, if it is done
code also should improve scriptnya, appreciated efforts karna actual writer if only a copy-paste writing
not going to look neat and possibilities that included a picture would not appear.
12. Note the punctuation: Watch your writing whether it is correct punctuation. Error in semicolon
it will result in a different meaning.
13. Do not use large images: Images are beautify your yard, large images even so
boomerang make your page loading. Clear your blog will be ignored for a while when loading
page is running.
14. Check Dead link: The link was dead would not like the reader, do not you readers not search engine
like it. Dead link check done as often as possible, many tools on the Internet that can do the job
15. Not too many others to post the article: It will get a bad response from readers, because
readers will be thinking it better to read it to the source directly.
16. Always put the name of the source of the article: Blog a professional is always appreciated efforts of others, which clearly
installing a source not otherwise harm your credit for the slightest effort of others that
that makes you look more professional.
17. How to respond to the good comments: Do not ever be patronizing, appreciate all the comments wisely
even though there are some annoying comments. Remember! blogs where people put all the ideas and thoughts
so everyone will have a different opinion.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Getting started with videoblogging

Videoblogging is the next generation of posting ideas and products over the internet. Everybody knows about textblogging. Now they use videos for a better way of expression. This form of communication may entail a lot of resources, but it is all worth it. If pictures say a thousand words, videoblogging exceeds that by far.

A videoblog requires larger disk spaces on websites, a faster server, and a whole new set of programs to support it. Videoblogs can be fed through RSS. This is technology of syndicating your website to other RSS aggregators.

Videoblogging works with people on the internet expressing their selves. Now if you put this on a business prospective, you are up to a lot of benefits. Think of it as a powerful tool in making showing your prospective customers your line of products or your services. It’s just like showing a commercial all for free. And if you videoblog through RSS, then most probably you are getting your target market.

People like to see what they are going to buy. Some would like to see proof and be sure that they are getting their money’s worth before shelving their dimes on it. All of us know the influence of a thirty second commercial. The effect of videoblogging is similar to that. You show your product, people watch it. If they like it, they buy it. If you present it good enough, they’ll buy the product even if they don’t need it.

Now on the web, things are pretty much static, unlike in television in which all are moving. If you post something that is mobile, it would most likely catch attention. Now imaging your product parading in all it’s royalty through videoblog. You’ll get phone call orders in no time.

If your business is just starting up, you can create a videoblog right at your own home. All you need is your web camera, microphone, video software, and lights. For as long as you know how to use your camera, then you can create a videoblog.

Invest in a good web camera. The higher its resolution is the better the output. And you like to present your goods in the optimum way so get the best one possible. Make a short story, or just capture your goods in one go. Just make sure you are getting the best profile for each. Get those creativity juices flowing.

Lights are important in a production. Make sure you illuminate entirely the area you are going to use to create videoblog. The brighter the area, the crispier the images will be. You can also use lighting effects for added appeal to the presentation.

Should you require sounds for your videoblog, you need a microphone. Record you voice as a voice over for promoting the product and its benefit to consumers. Sounds are as important as videos on a videoblog. It is advisable to make your sound effects as enticing as the video.

Your video editing software can be any program. You need this to finalize your work. You can add sounds, delete some bad angles, or insert some still pictures in there too. Some programs are user-friendly and can be used even with zero knowledge on video editing. Even simple video editing programs should do the trick. Select your background carefully too. The light affects the presentation so make sure that the background and the light complements each other.

Videoblogging is a great tool but it also has it downside. It may slow down the computer so other may steer clear of it. Download time may also be time consuming especially if customer is still on a dial- up connection.

But don’t let those stop you. Let videoblogging be an alternative for you, though it is best to still keep the text and pictures present in your presentation to accommodate all possible viewers of your site.

Nowadays, the more creative you are in presenting your product to the market, they more you are likely to succeed. Videoblogging offers an interactive way of selling. You involve the customers. You instill in them the advantage of your goods. And at times, those are enough to make a sale.

Monday, March 16, 2009


A weblog (or simply blog) is a website that 'publishes' or features articles (which are called 'blog posts', 'posts', or 'entries'), written by an individual or a group that make use of any or a combination of the following:

· Straight texts
· Photographs or images (photoblog)
· Video (videoblog)
· Audio files (audioblog)
· Hyperlinks

Usually presented and arranged in reverse chronological order, blogs are essentially used for the following purposes:

· Online journal or a web diary
· Content managament system
· Online publishing platform

A typical blog has the following components:

· Post date -the date and time of the blog entry

· Category - the category that the blog belongs to

· Title - the title of the blog

· Main body - the main content of the blog

· RSS and trackback - links the blog back from other sites

· Comments - commentaries that are added by readers

· Permalinks - the URL of the full article

· Other optional items - calendar, archives, blogrolls, and add-ons or plug-ins

A blog can also have a footer, usually found at the bottom of the blog, that shows the post date, the author, the category, and the 'stats' (the nubmer of comments or trackbacks).

There are numerous types of blogs. Some of them are the following:

1. Political blog - on news, politics, activism, and other issue based blogs (such as campaigning).

2. Personal blog - also known as online diary that may include an individual's day-to-day experience, complaints, poems, and illicit thoughts, and communications between friends.

3. Topical blog - with focus either on a particular niche (function or position) that is usually technical in nature or a local information.

4. Health blog - on specific health issues. Medical blog is a major category of health blog that features medical news from health care professionals and/or actual patient cases.

5. Literary blog - also known as litblog.

6. Travel blog - with focus on a traveler's stories on a particular journey.

7. Research blog - on academic issues such as research notes.

8. Legal blog - on law (technical areas) and legal affairs; also known as 'blawgs'.

9. Media blog - focus on falsehoods or inconsistencies in mass media; usually exclusive for a newspaper or a television network.

10. Religious blog - on religious topics

11. Educational blog - on educational applications, usually written by students and teachers.

12. Collaborative or collective blog - a specific topic written by a group of people.

13. Directory blog - contains a collection of numerous web sites.

14. Business blog - used by entrepreneurs and corporate employees to promote their businesses or talk about their work.

15. Personification blog - focus on non-human being or objects (such as dogs).

16. Spam blogs - used for promoting affiliated websites; also known as 'splogs'.

Blogging is typically done on a regular (almost daily) basis. The term "blogging" refers to the act of authoring, maintaining, or adding an article to an existing blog, while the term "blogger" refers to a person or a group who keeps a blog.

Today, more than 3 million blogs can be found in the Internet. This figure is continuously growing, as the availability of various blog software, tools, and other applications make it easier for just about anyone to update or maintain the blog (even those with little or no technical background). Because of this trend, bloggers can now be categorized into 4 main types:

· Personal bloggers - people who focus on a diary or on any topic that an individual feels strongly about.

· Business bloggers - people who focus on promoting products and services.

· Organizational bloggers - people who focus on internal or external communication in an organization or a community.

· Professional bloggers - people who are hired or paid to do blogging.

Problogging (professional blogging) refers to blogging for a profit. Probloggers (professional bloggers) are people who make money from blogging (as an individual blog publisher or a hired blogger).

Below are just some of the many money-making opportunities for probloggers:

· Advertising programs
· RSS advertising
· Sponsorship
· Affiliate Programs
· Digital assets
· Blog network writing gigs
· Business blog writing gigs
· Non blogging writing gigs
· Donations
· Flipping blogs
· Merchandising
· Consulting and speaking

The following are a few things that you need to consider if you want to be successful in problogging:

1. Be patient. Problogging requires a lot of time and effort, not to mention a long-term vision.

2. Know your audience. Targeting a specific audience or group is a key to building a readership.

3. Be an 'expert'. Focus on a specific niche topic and strive to be the "go-to" blogger on that topic.

4. Diversify. Experiment with various add and affiliate programs that enable you to make money online (aside from blogging).

5. Do not bore your readers. Focus on the layout. White spaces, line spacings, and bigger fonts make a blog welcoming to read.

Certainly, it is possible to earn money from blogs. One just needs to take risks, the passion, and the right attitude in order to be a successful problogger.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blog Software For All Your Blogging Needs

Today anyone who has writing ability or is dreaming to be a writer has written a blog in the net. There are blog soft wares that are simple and easy to use and a technically inclined and challenged individuals can easily acquire a blog online.

For some individuals, blogs are their projects of every day living, as they talk about their daily episodes as well as make tribute to friends and family. Furthermore, blogs assume a profound meaning written to compose and assemble political statements, endorse a product, supply information on research, and even offer tutorials. Any subject that are of your interests, you can be sure that someone has written a blog about it.

Blogs are now being written by musicians, politicians, sports figures, novelists, newscasters as well as other known figures. It is this blog fever that has raised controversy. The fact that anyone can compose and regarding any subject matter under the sun, complaints about certain write-ups are an issue. In a lot of blogs, names are being mentioned; do bear in mind that although you are entitled to write anything that interests you in a blog, you have to be very careful and take in a lot of responsibility. Do not make any statements which can become controversial; or else, be very prepared.

Why a Blog?

1. For personal acquaintances, relationships and hobby. A person can write a blog about his daily activities, what’s going on with his life as his way of telling his family and friends the things that goes on in his life. Likewise, one may also write a blog just so he can express what he feels about himself, or about a certain subject matter that is of interest to him.

2. Topical. Some blogs are committed to a precise topic, like computer hardware or politics. These are frequently read like magazines.

3. For marketing. Corporations are too, into blogging; when well written and implemented, this kind of blog can be a powerful instrument for business communications, forming eagerness and anticipation regarding their products and services offered, or used as tool within the company, keeping employees well informed about company issues and news.

Why someone else's software?

A lot of Web designer and creators will laugh at the belief and idea of utilizing the software of someone else. This is can be correct especially when each software greatly differs from the particular requirements that a client may have. Yet on the other hand, when it refers to a Weblog software, there is no reason for apprehension in the use of a package that is pre-written, as most packages were developed through years of study; not just knocked together over a couple of days.

In addition, one may study its feature set. For a developer, it would take a lot of time and effort to write and compose from “nothing at all” every single feature in the Weblog software packages of today. For most people, a blog is there for the main reason that chooses to publish or make known your literature and texts on the Web, so you want to spend your time more on writing than coding.

Hosted Services

If one wishes to start broadcasting on the Web, yet does not have web hosting, one can consider looking into a hosted service, which includes Blogger, TypePad, Live Journal, and more.

These services are operated or handled for an individual, so there is no need to concern one about technical upkeep of one’s Weblog; instead, one can concentrate on his blog's appearance and content. In just minutes, after signing for an account, one can readily start his own blog. Many such services are offered free, such as blogger. TypePad charges a minimal amount for monthly service fee.


When one has Web hosting on hand, or is eager to buy hosting, in which one feesl that the advantage will prevail over the problems of keeping up your own blog connection and installation, then you may want to take into account a package that is self-hosted, which includes Movable Type, Textpattern and WordPress.

Other hosting companies did construct the process of installation easier, permitting installation with just a click from a control panel that is browser-based. It is important that you check with a hosting company so you can view if this function is offered. Similar to hosted services, some self hosted packages are made available either for free or for a certain fee which is dependent on the type of package that you choose as well as the basis why you are using it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

How to Increase Sales Through Streaming Audio

Many studies have proven that radio is a good medium for product advertisements. People listen to the radio for entertainment, usually to listen to the latest music or to their favorite radio program. In between the program, advertisements on products and services are being played.

For many years, this has been the trend in advertising. But now that the radio medium is almost behind the audio-visual medium, the TV, and the Internet, other marketing strategies have to be employed to continue the benefits of advertising through audio.

It is then that the benefits of using music on websites were discovered. Before, music on the Internet was just available in downloadable forms as mp3. Even through hosting downloadable music on their servers, companies were able to get much traffic on their sites. And everyone engaged in Internet marketing knows that website traffic plays a big role in boosting product and service sales.

However, there had been a problem with illegal music download in which artists, musicians and record companies have lost millions of revenues.

Then, came the popularity of Internet music streaming. Unlike the former, radio streaming does not allow download of the music files. Thus, the copyrights of the artists and record label owners are protected.

So, how can this be done? There are several ways to stream audio from your site. First, is to stream a radio program from your site or blog. You can find free affiliate programs that allow you to stream their radio content from your site.

What will this mean to you? This means that your site will have new audio content every time it is visited. What's even great is that the content is being updated even without much effort from you.

In this case, what you needed to do is to signup with an Internet radio station and have the link embedded on your blog or website.

Another way is to stream mp3s. To do this, you just need to upload your mp3files on a server and add the files' links to the page. When the link is clicked, the browser opens a media player window and plays a file. However, since the file is in mp3 format, it may also be downloaded. Downloading music files without the authorization of the copyright owner is illegal. Therefore, if you will be using this type of streaming, make sure that you have the appropriate permit to do so.

A third way to add audio to you blog or website is to stream music through organizing playlists. Playlists are m3u files, which if downloaded, will not play music if offline. Using this process, however, can be complex. Here is a short instruction on how to do it.

1. Save your mp3 or wma file on the server. You may skip this step if you know that the file exists on another server and know the link to that file. Make sure that the link has a .mp3 or .wma extension.

2. Open your text editor and type the path to the file. Include the http:// and the file extension. Repeat this step until you have included all the links to the files that you would like to be included in the playlist.

3. Save the playlist with a .m3u extension.

4. Upload the m3u file on the directory where the music files are hosted or to your server.

5. Open your html editor and embed the link to the m3u file. Through this, you can also set if you want to have the playlist to autoplay if someone visits your site of if you want your visitor to control playing the music. You can also set the volume level.

After the code is embedded on the html file, and whenever your site is visited, the songs in the playlist will be buffered, streamed and played one after another. If your playlist has several songs, the user can skip forward or go back a song in the playlist using the media player controls.

Doing this setup works for many website owners. Through this you can customize the type of music being played on your site. You can even play recordings related to your product to boost product awareness.

It requires knowledge of html to be done. But if it will be the best way to increase traffic to your site, why not request assistance from programmers. After all, having audio on a website is a proven way to increase sales.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Post 10 Tips On Writing

Not a few bloggers who claim to beginner difficulty in starting the writing activities; ranging from the difficulty to find inspiration, ideas or topics that will be written to the desire for a certain quality.

Given the blog is a unique new media, a topic that can be written also very diverse. That leaves our creativity in selecting the entry you write is.

Incidentally, I've never written a few posts about this, I chose the following posting some relevant records. I hope to stimulate ideas for writing. Good writing and blogging.

* Start Ngeblog Tips: Do not flown Frequently used uttered the bloggers beginners is how to maintain the momentum of blogging hard to remember to keep posting?
* Make Powerful Kick 10 Best Post Ever suddenly stuck when preparing for your blog posts? Of course once, we've all been there.
* How Method Writing Blog? Is that method blogging? Is there something called the method of blogging? Is there any difference with the method of writing short stories, novels or articles for the media?
* Ngeblog Practical Tips: Why Write Reviews? Write a review is one of the effective strategies in designing new postings on the blog. Yes, sort of telling style to overcome the drought of ideas or inspiration that often arise.
Post Writing Tips * Linkbait (angler Link) Linkbait or technical writing linkbaiting are posting is intended to be popular, so they can lure readers and other bloggers to link to their blogs.
* Tips conjure Post Ideas So I think every person must have their own tips on writing articles, essays or columns. In other words, every person has his own creative process and not necessarily suitable when copied or run by someone else.
* Five Steps to Effective Writing Post your view does not always have a special time for blogging, the application of effective measures and efficient when writing posts certainly very necessary. Especially if you plan to write several posts at once, then steps right into a necessity.
* Tips Search Ideas Create Post Admittedly, sometimes we lose the idea when planning to write a new post. When in fact our time and energy was good-good for blogging, but instead the idea that his name disappeared off somewhere ...
* Ability Writing Tips Mengasah Post Ultimately, blogging is a matter of writing it. If you are constantly writing skills, be sure your blog will continue to fly and as a blogger you must be increasingly taken into account.
* Authors Top Tips for the Blogger Nothing wrong with listening to advice top writers to pump motivation in blogging. However, on some level, blogging is a matter of writing.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Boost Your Business With Blogging!

Business blog is an incredible online marketing tool that saves you thousands of dollars but provides great business opportunities in just one click. Blogs are user-friendly, customized and flexible medium for disseminating useful information for effective positioning of your products in the market.

Companies engaging in business blogging have a definite edge over its competitors. Here are some advantages:
? Word-of-Mouth. In a survey, there are currently 14 million blogs with 80,000 more being added each day and about 30 percent of the 50 million users are blog readers. Imagine how much gain your company will have, if your products are advertised through blogs. With Internet, information spreads so quickly especially if an impressive write-up goes with your product. Soon your blogs will be passed on to hundreds of possible customers.
? Awareness and loyalty. Open communication with your customers creates trust and loyalty among them. Being there to respond to their questions and comments make them all the more willing to try your products and services.
? Feedback. Blogs is good for product research and reviews. It would be easier to improve on your products if you observe your customers’ thinking and behavioral patterns. You can also take immediate action to your customers’ concerns.
? Community halo-effect. Bloggers are reasonable, friendly and helpful. They are more than willing to create blogosphere of comments regarding your product. The only thing you have to do is embrace and take active part in the culture and your product will surely be considered in their next stop to the supermarket.

For better marketing results, actively promote your business blogs by submitting your blogs to blog search sites and directories. Do not forget to paste in with your blogs, your URL. Be sure that your blogs contain exclusive information with value and are always updated to keep readers popping in, read up your blog, move on to the next and click on again for updates.

Blog is like a setup booth in the biggest trade show on earth everyday. Marketing possibilities are just around the corner waiting to strike your sale scales up.

The Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are important too in conjunction with your blogs to get the best benefits. Use effective keyword phrases to generate high ranking status in the search engine traffic. In this way you have better chances of people finding your website leading to your blogs. More traffic means more potential sales.

For this to be successful, you can use RSS for news update feeds which can be read through RSS reader application. This is a very useful tool for business and internet marketers as well.

If you are already convinced with the potentials of business blogs for marketing and targeting sales increase, your company is now ready to start blogging. But first, you have to be in tune with your company’s business objectives and determine if blogging will really help you achieve your goal.

1. Several blogs are dedicated to teaching people the do’s and don’ts of blogging, READ them! Include in your reading materials blogs that are consumer-based too to give you an idea.
2. Setup several test blogs right away.

If your initial try out with blogs worked well, you can now start setting up your blogs.

1. Study blog design. Blog hosting services provide pre-designed templates. But if you opt for paid blog service, you can ask your artist to design and layout your blog site to match the company’s identity and needs.
2. Choose a topic. Its good to have a line-up of topics you want for your blogs but be sure they are in consonance with your business objectives. This would be a test of your flexibility and open-mindedness since results may be going against the set objectives.
3. Remember the following safety measures in blogging:
? legal issues are sometimes involved in blogging; it is safer to include disclaimers and limitations of liabilities;
? corporate communication and legal department are responsible in educating the senior management on how blogs might affect business;
? create blogging policies; set limits on who gets to blog and what information are allowed to be made public;
? avoid outright marketing blog or you will shy away your readers;
? make content updated, relevant and fresh;
? reinforce the company’s core values; and,
? encourage employees to use it.
4. Start blogging and complete 20 posts before going to marketing.
5. Begin marketing.
6. Regularly monitor the coming ins and outs of readers and get updates. Then, measure your results.
7. Adjust if needed. You can always play with your designs in the blog site as long as it remains to match the company’s identity.
8. Strive to be consistent with your topic all the time.
9. Try to have unrelated topics with general and broad appeal.
10. Schedule updates regularly. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday would be best to update blogs.

Once you have done all these things, you can now ultimately enjoy the benefits of business blogging.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Introducing Blog Tips

If we already have a new blog, of course we want our friends to know about visiting our website. Well, been published / presented, of course our friends will not know if we have a blog.

How our initial steps to publish a blog? By sending message to all of our friends? It could in fact we are considered spammers. So we need ways of 'polite':) Among others is as follows.

1. We must have an email right? Often / never too sure kirim2 email. Or even join the mailing-list. Well, we can subtly ngasitau address our blog to the email recipient. Way, by adding your blog address as a signature / footer when writing an email.
For example:

2. Friendster (or Multiply or similar services) have not you? In the About (in our Profile), do not forget to write also address our blog. Then if you're send-send message, do not forget to add the signature as point 1 above.

3. Like online via Yahoo Messenger? (or googletalk, etc.). We're online, write our status by including a link to our blog. Friends who will instantly see to click the address in the status of YM. So no need to send a message to all of our chat friends.
For example status:

Visit my weblog

4. Join the blogger community site, as I write this. Can add temen, can ask the same diajarin more good, not missed, and certainly with the growing of our blogger friends will then automatically add our blog visitors;)

5. If the initial steps have been tried, we can also enroll in a collection of bloggers directory. For example:


6. Blogwalking was and greeted each other or even commenting on other blogs, do not forget to leave a 'trail' (blog address).

Note:-rajinlah diligently to update the blog, at least once a week. If our blog is updated often, visitors who have come to be disappointed for not finding new writing, and then become reluctant to visit again.

Good luck;)

5 Reasons Why Blogging is the New Internet Marketing Tool

Blogging is a concept that started in late 90s. It used to be a way to comment an existing webpage, an opportunity for visitors and readers to react or voice out one’s opinion on the said page. What started as a single-sentence commentary has evolved into pages of personal take on just about anything and everything under the sun. As it continues to move forward, online advertising has tapped into the blog’s potential. Here are 5 reasons why you should use blogging as an Internet marketing tool.

1.Blogging is simple. The simplest way to get your piece on the net is through blogging. No skills are necessary… an average adult can read and type, or at least click a mouse. It’s like having a virtual piece of paper and you just write your ideas, experiences, new products, and hope that the truth behind your articles comes out and entice your reader to also try your product. If you have a PC and an Internet connection (who doesn’t?) then you can blog and advertise.

2. Blogging is authentic. In this day and age where advertising saturate our lives, we question the credibility of promoters’ claims. However, in blogs, real people share their real-life experiences, unscathed by paid advertising. Reading blogs about first-hand product use is like talking to people about their first-hand experience. You definitely want to buy a tried and tested product.

3. Blogging is free. Because blogging is yet to be proven as a mainstream online advertising media, most sites see it as something to augment current marketing tools and thus offer it for free. Any opportunity for free webtime is definitely a bonus especially to businesses that are starting up. Needless to say, paid blog pages can generate more income for your seriously growing business.

4. Blogging builds credibility. As you get more and more into writing your experiences on a particular product or industry, your readers come to realize that they can depend on your posts for their own information needs. As such, you become an expert on it; as a consequence, more readers visit your site and more bloggers link to your blogs. As companies and professional organizations notice the growth of your readership base, they may soon get in touch with you for advertising on your blog page, or make you an affiliate, which pays for every referral generated from your blog site.

5. Blogging builds your market. Unless you are a Hollywood star, chances are, only your Mom reads your posts. Mom has a lot of friends, so she lets her friends know how interesting your blog site is. But you need not depend on Mom to increase your readership base. Look into the following ways to build your market through blogging:

-By using your e-mail. Today, blogging is overcoming the e-mail’s popularity in quickly and effectively reaching and expanding a market. In this age of speed and quick access, logging in and downloading e-mail is simply taking longer than clicking into a blog site. Let them explore your site by using a short e-mail message as teaser to your blog site. If your e-mail is on an entirely different subject, use your e-mail signature to give a link to the site.

-By using subscription. An easy way to get your readers e-mail is to give them an opportunity to subscribe to your blogsite. Keep some exclusive information for your subscribers to entice readers to subscribe and give their e-mail address. Just be responsible in using their e-mail address, as the last thing you want is a comment on your blog that you are a spammer.

-By understanding your readers. Conduct a simple survey for your readers to understand their profile and advertising preferences. Ask consumers to give you feedback on a post, an ad link, or a trial that you shared. In this way, it is like interviewing your readers without the commitment and intrusion of a face-to-face interview.

-By joining a blog network –A network of blogs maybe a collection of blog sites that share the same industry, interest, readership base, payment mode, etc. Consumers find credibility and convenience in clicking one link to several real bloggers about a single subject. Clearly, more bloggers are better than one.

-By using RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology on the Internet today. As such, having RSS feeds to your blog is definitely another means of generating awareness for your readership base. Having a variety of feeds can add interest to your blog site.

Give your business a boost by effectively using blogging as an Internet marketing tool.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an ar

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and everything.

Basically, blogs were first introduced as weblogs that refer to a “server’s log file.” It was created when web logging hit the virtual market. Since its inception in the mid-1990s, web logging gradually saturated the virtual community making the Internet a viable source of greater information.

However, with web logging, you still need a web site and domain names, but with blogging, you do not need anything just an account with blog providers. In most cases, these kinds of blogs are free of charge.

With the onset of blogging in the industry, personal journaling had been a common ground for people who wish to be known all over the world. However, not literally famous as this is not a case on being popular or well-known personality.

Generally, blogs are created for personal use. Like a journal, people can write their daily adventures, sentiments, and whatever ideas they want to express online.

Nevertheless, with the advent of the online businesses, blogs had gradually taken the limelight in providing businesses a chance to boost their productivity online. This is where the business blogs have taken the limelight.

Business blogs are, basically, created to advertise the services or products of a certain web site or online business in order to increase online sales.

Moreover, business blogs are also one way of promoting the company so that the other readers will know that a certain company exists online. With blogs, entrepreneurs are able to establish a name in the virtual market through articles that can be very useful in the reader’s life.

From there, you can make money out of blogs by simply syndicating it to your business’ web site. This can be done through the RSS technology.

So, if you are thinking to create a blog, whether for business or for pleasure, you need to know some tips that could help you get through and make your blog one of the interesting blogs online.

Here’s how:

1. Consider your audience

Even if your blog is generally personal, still, it would be better to consider the minds of your readers. You have to think of something that would interest them.

After all, most of the reasons of people who write blogs are not at all confined to their own personal motives. Most of them would love to be “heard” (or read) and would love to be known, in some way or another, even for just a minute. Hence, it is very important to come with a write up that everybody can understand, not necessarily that these people can relate to it but they can understand it.

2. Pictures speaks a thousand words

To make your blogging worth the browsing effort of your readers, it would be extremely nice if you will put some pictures in it. It does not necessarily mean you have to place a picture of yourself. Any photographs will do as long as it does not pose danger or insult to anyone who will be reading your blog.

3. Make constructive and beneficial blogs

Even if you are free to write anything you wan to say to the world, still, it would be better to create some write-ups that would be beneficial to your readers.

After all, its information technology that you have there so better be inclined to provide information rather than sheer quirky entertainment.

4. Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs

In order to have an interesting blogs, try not to use some highly technical and highfalutin words. After all, it is not a science discourse or a debate that you are making, so better stick to simple facts and short blogs.

Bear in mind that most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than scrutinizing each site word for word. Therefore, it would be better to come with blogs that will not bore your readers just because you have these lengthy articles.

5. Make it interactive

As much as possible and if your capacity will allow it, make your blog interactive. Yu can do this by placing some video or audio clips in your blog.

You can even place an area for comments or for some feedbacks. In this way, you can get some impressions or reactions of other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by making them feel at home in your blog site.

Indeed, blogs are not created just for the mere fun of it. It also has its own purpose in the world of the Internet.
Therefore, for people who wish to harness their craft, as far as writing is concerned, blogs are the best way to do it.

As they say, blogging is the contemporary term of creative and commercial writing.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Importance Things of Blog Design

Blogs have increased popularity over this past months. Many people have started to create their personal blogs to express their thoughts and feelings. Internet companies have also started their blogs to inform consumers on the latest product news and reviews.

Because of this, blogs are also being used as internet marketing media. Before, internet marketing is done by placing banners and links on popular websites, such as news and information sites. Links were also included on newsletters and marketing letters sent to the members of their mailing lists.

Many people spend time reading blogs. People read their friend's blogs, their favorite author's blogs, blogs on topics that they are interested in, and blogs on product reviews. With the increasing popularity of blogging, it is even feared that people rely on blogs to get the latest news.

While getting news reports from blogs isn't reliable, some people look for product reviews through blogs. In some cases, this is more dependable. While it is true that some media persons are being paid to write good reviews about a certain product, blog writers write about their actual experiences on products and services from a company.

Since there are many people who read and start their own blogs, blogs are a good medium to market a product. With the increasing blog traffic means increase in product sales.

Blog traffic can be increased by joining affiliate programs and sites, which will list your blog under a certain search category or name. You can also have your blog advertised in popular websites. This, however, will cost some money and is not advisable if you have just started blogging.

A writer who has just launched his/her blog will want as much traffic as possible to increase advertisements on the site. Also, some advertisers pay every time their link is clicked or the page that has their link is viewed.

When you have increased traffic on your blog, you should try to keep you visitors coming back and recommending your blog to friends and colleagues.

This can be done by having informative or amusing content and good blog layout and design. You may develop your blog's content or you can also acquire the services of a web content writer to provide you with the blog articles.

The blog's layout and design also plays a big role. While most of the companies offering free blog hosting offer pre-selected templates, there are also some that allows customization that if you utilize this feature correctly can increase your blog's traffic.

Here are a few tips to make your blog stand out from the millions of blogs out there that have standard designs.

* Customize the banner

The banner usually has the most generic designs that are common to the blogs from a blogging company or service.

You can personalize this banner by having a graphic with the dimensions of the banner. You can also edit the graphic so that it will also include the title of your blog.

In this case, you can create your own graphic or you can purchase professional looking graphics online for less than $10.

* Personalizing photos

Of course, most of the photos that you will be posting will be your own. However, if you don't customize the photos before posting them, you may miss maximizing the enhancing benefits graphics can add to the page. Adding photo borders can help the photo stand out from the page.

It can also add to the design of your blog. You can choose a standard border or you can also create your own border which can be associated with your blog's templates.

* Add a favicon

Don't you think sites with icons on the address bar before the website's URL are cool? Many people do. These favicons add a professional look to the URL. These easy to do using photo or graphic editing softwares.

* Check out blog templates, layouts, backgrounds, textures and skins from sites

There are sites that offer free blog templates, layouts, backgrounds, textures and skins. You can make use of these so your blog will not look generic like most of the blogs hosted by the service provider.

* Include RSS feeds

This is a cool way to inform people with newsreaders about your blog headlines. Tutorials on RSS feeds are available on the internet.

* Audio makes your blog more personal

Not only does audio personalizes the blog; it can also keep your visitors coming back. You can try having streaming radio stations, mp3 file or playlists loading with your blog.

* Advertisements

If you have signed-up with Google Ad-Sense, which I am sure you would like to do, make sure that the ads are conveniently placed that these will not hinder your readers' ease in accessing the information on your blog.

Try using these tips and you can definitely increase and retain traffic on your blog.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tips for Beginners Guide to Blogging

A blog is basically an online journal wherein you can digitally pen down your thoughts, ideas, opinions and practically anything that you want people to read. Blogs come in different styles, formats, and settings, depending on the preference of the user. Many blogging sites, offer built in features such as hyperlink, straight texts, pictures etc. Some blogging sites, even allow you to put video and mp3's on your blogs.

Instead of writing texts, some bloggers choose to make their blogs more audio friendly, by using spoken word entries. This is called audio blogging.

Basically a blog contains these features:

title- which allows you to label your post
body- this is the content of your post
trackback- other sites can be linked back to your blog
permanent link- every article that you write has a URL
comments- this allow readers to post comments on your blog.

One of the advantages of blogging, is that it is made of only a few templates. Unlike, other websites that is made up of numerous individual pages. This make it easier for blog users to create new pages, because it already has a fix setting that include: slots for title, body of the post, category, etc.

This is especially useful for first time users, since they can start blogging right away. They can chose from a number of templates that blogging websites provide.

Anyone who wants to start a blog can do so by becoming a member of a blogging website of their choice. Once they've become members, they automatically become a part of that particular blogging community. They can browse through other bloggers pages, and link them back to their own blogs. They can also make comments on other members' blogs.

Blogging is not just limited to personal usage. There are a lot of blogs that follow a theme such as: sports, politics, philosophy, social commentary, etc. These blogs espouse on their specific themes. This way blogging becomes a medium in which people can share their knowledge and opinions about a variety of themes and topics.

Some bloggers even use their blogs as a means to advertise. Some authors advertise their books on their blogs. While other bloggers, use their blogs to shed light to currents issues, events, news and catastrophes.

Nowadays in education, blogs also play an important part. Professors use blogging to document the lessons that they have discussed and taught. This way, students who who have missed classes, can easily catch up with their assignments.

A lot of entrepreneurs benefit from blogging by promoting their businesses on their blogs, with millions and millions of people logging onto the net everyday, blogging has become a lucrative move. Some bloggers who run online businesses promote their merchandise online. While others profit through advertisement.

But by far, the most popular blog type is the one that takes the form of a personal journal. This is the kind that is usually used by first time bloggers. Individuals who want to document the daily struggle of their everyday lives, poems, rants, opinions, find that blogging offers them a medium in which to express themselves.

Bloggers usually communicate within themselves. This is one of the appeals of blogging. It creates a community of people sharing their ideas, thoughts, and comments with each other.

Blogs varying in topics, themes, and set-ups, can be found in blog directories. First time users who want to get an idea of what the blogging world is all about can browse through a number of blogs using these directories. This way they'd get an idea of what these blogging communities are like.

Blogging is popular all over the world. Blog is short for the term weblog. There are no rules when it comes to blogging. Bloggers have the freedom to express themselves how ever way they want, and the best thing about blogging, is that most blogging sites are free.

There are numerous blogging websites to choose from in the net. This give first time users the option of joining a blogging community that appeals to their interests.

Just search any blogging directory and you'd get a listing of a lot of blogging sites that are available on the net. It's easy to search a blogging directory, because it is organized according to category. This way you would get exactly what you are after. Blogging is really for everyone. It is fun, simple and easy.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

All You Need To Know About Blog Hosts

Apart from the chat rooms, instant messengers and electronic mails created for communication and dialogue beyond turf are the emerging innovations that help man build opportunities for interaction. The need for a personalized and human face aspect of building online communities is slowly changing the technological landscape of the Internet.

Blogs / “weblogs” or blogging are the newest gift of Internet technology to people all over the world. These are updated posts, crop up entries or personalized life snippets, of mundane or bizarre in nature. For most, a “blog” is a personal, unedited, and authentic journal meant to be shared in an online community. Blog site is a place where bloggers can publish anything; his thoughts, feelings, photos, special events, experiences, comments on issues and so on. It is more of an online diary with videos, links, documents, newsletters and opinions on just about any topics you are interested.

Blogs are made to welcome the insights and opinions of all and therefore, should not be written to sound intimidating and too formal. This kind of blog is a sure way to put off the readers. In the basics of blogging, conversational tone would be more appropriate to reach the desired audience.

Blogging is all about individuals reaching out to other individuals. Having a blog has its own set of advantages:

? Freedom of Expression. If you want people to hear you out and give their own opinion, this is the best way to create a line of communication;
? Networking is at its best. Having a blog is a good platform for exchanging genuine ideas from consumers to you as marketer of a certain product. Sound opinion and point of view is better than just showing the price quote;
? Excellent advertising platform. Blogging is a new way to advertise products, a refreshing change from the traditional advertising outlets and it is cost-effective.
? Gauging public opinion on products and services. The key is nice and catchy titles with new ideas presented in your content. This is an assurance of quick and repeated responses from your readers. Blogs is an excellent spot for the exchange of ideas between the seller and the consumer. Good for measuring public opinion regarding services and products, even political and business matters alike.
? Useful tool for internal communication. This will help your company to build a knowledge-based community of employees. Also good for harnessing employee relations and identifying human resource issues in advance.
? Other benefits like search engine optimization (SEO) will help your blogs to be seen often by as many people as you wish. This is very good exposure for your products and services.

Many blog hosting services are available on the Internet. But the basic question is which one of the services will be the best to start off your business blog program? Business people are usually clueless to recent technological innovations which would help them maximize their marketing potentials. For these beginners, it is best to study first the services offered by blog hosts. An ineffective business blogging program may damage marketing opportunities instead of enriching them.

A company may decide to do the following depending on its capacity and needs: 1) Host their own blog service, 2) Pay someone else to host the service, or 3) Setup a “blog aggregator page” and ask the employees to select their blog hosting services individually. There are paid and free services available for individuals.

For business blogs, they are required to have the latest blogging features; if not, this will prevent them from maximizing their marketing, public relations and SEO potentials.

Keep in mind that blogs should have the following basic essentials:

COMMENTS. Welcoming comments provide opportunity for dialogue. In business blogs, they are a good customer feedback mechanism. This helps develop better customer relations based from loyalty and trust. Blogging is an innovative way to converse with your customers.
TRACKBACK. This helps in maximizing company and product exposure. Through this service, consumers can get back to you for more posts and updates without the difficulty of locating you. If your blog is popular in a specific online community chances are links going back to your blog site are everywhere online, other blog sites or even websites.
CATEGORIES AND TAGS. These both help in classifying blog searches for ease of navigation and on site search. Categories act as libraries because it classifies posts by subject matter such as business, distance learning, e-commerce, online auctions, etc. Tags, help in the classification, especially in the blog search engine Technorati. Possible customers and new clients locate blogs about certain topics of interest by just clicking the tags.
RSS FEED. Really Simple Syndication is the feed from your blog that is sent out over the internet, and collected through the various newsreaders and aggregators.

If your company is to establish a business blogging program, considerable options should be made available by the hosting companies shortlisted for the services. Free blog hosting services are popular but they are much appropriate for individual online journals. Paid blog hosting services offer unlimited packages best for your company’s needs. You may want to suggest checking out some blogs that use the host first, read and examine their layout and design. Another important thing to consider is a reliable technical support the host has.

After, choosing the blog host, a team should be ready to plan the design and structure of the blog: The team should:
? create a style that meets the needs of the audience;
? establish an open, credible tone;
? schedule weekly updating of blog - ideally, a few times a week;
? include weblinks of other website and blogs;
? blog post should be in the “first person;”
? focus on the business blog objective; and,
? maintain an honest, engaging conversational quality.

Remember, whatever the look, style and content found on your blog is a reflection of you and your company.

Friday, January 2, 2009

IMAGE OF SCIENCE: Astrophysicist Replaces Supercomputer with Eight PlayStation 3s

Here in the US, we have collectively decided long ago to present the disciplinary work of science as a universalistic methodological apparatus -- packaged in such images as the scientific method, fair tests, experiments. Given that there is no disciplinary unity in method, the gap between the contemporary practice of science and science education continues to expand. This is especially true as we ratchet down to increasingly narrow educational outcomes -- still hopelessly focused on content. Here's a nice image of what the 'practical work' of contemporary science looks like -- it is one of persistent tinkering, customization, finagling of resources, and innovation...