After reading on a site on the internet, I saw there was an article that explained that the site has dihack / uprooted by a blog will get Hakcer.Pemilik Spam Post / posts containing fake links to download all the viruses and site data, and some site owners also reported that they found the code on the curious code templatenya.Pada this article, I will share with you some tips I've learned in the safety and protection disunia Internet. This includes actions that we can do to prevent or minimize the possibility of a blog that Blogger has a virus or hacker sites on. Well I will also discuss a bit about the blog that use blogspot as their domain, whether successfully uprooted / spread the virus as well.
Is Safe?
The article in the BBC writes that, reported that the latest incident was the work of a group of hackers who have been attacked since the January before. They use a spam message posted on a fake site or sent via email to trick users and download malicious programs / damage. Links can sometimes be a false link call beratas Youtube link or a digital greeting card link. In addition, an email containing the internet informal lesson, where the recipient thinks that the letter came from their friends. In an official response, Eric from the Blogger team has confirmed that Blogger was not affected. However, bloggers who blog posts from the machine which is controlled by Trojan horses. In short, the Blogger platform and if there are safe, The blog owner must ensure that their computers have been checked and are protected against malware.
How can virus attack blogger?
Prior experience it then we must be prepared to take precautions, I might want to know how they send a fake post-post into the blog.
When you log in to Blogger, you can see in the Settings -> Features Email "Mail-to-Blogger Address". This allows you to find out what content made by the perpetrators to your blog, because when you enable this feature then every post you make will be sent to your email.
If you have checked the box "Publish", any messages sent to this address will automatically be published in the blog. If the "Publish" box is checked, then the message will be saved and you must log in to your Blogger account to publish it. Email subject will appear as the Title of Blog Post. Although this is a useful feature for people everywhere, it is also one that can be exploited. All that is required for each person to send an email to this address and what is in the email will appear on your blog. Oleh karena itu penting bahwa alamat ini akan tetap rahasia dan siapa saja yang tidak berwenang seharusnya tidak dapat untuk posting di Blog Anda.
When taking Root viruses on your computer, can be dangerous to send posts to the email address book alamt stored in your system. If the email address above is one of them, you'll see the post in your blog. Since the blog is a legitimate military you, your friends and readers can read the post and click a few links to think that you will not put hazardous materials in your blog. Once they do that, their computer will be infected with viruses because they are less careful with malware and in turn they have a dangerous link appears on the blog itself, and the cycle goes on.
Preventive measures such viruses must ensure the security of your Blog:
If you see a post you will need to be sent to your blog via email, or other person know that your letter to the blogger address, go back to Settings -> Email and select / change the address to something that can not easily guess. Because the purpose of this function is to have a published post without having to login to Blogger, ticking the "Publish" is a reasonable option. After saving the settings, return to your email software melauli eg Outlook Express, Eudora. To delete a letter-to-blogger address from the address book. And if the actors try to ruin your blog by sending a post / article that contains a virus, it automatically posts it will not be sent to your blog.