Thursday, November 11, 2010

Download Cheat Point Blank Terbaru

Ini dia Cheat Point blank terbaru, meskipun banyak orang yang suka main point blank akan tetapi penggunaan cheat merupakan salah satu yang paling tidak disukai saat main game online yang satu ini, salah-salah pake chit kalo ketauan GM bisa di banned akun kita, akan tetapi sampai saat masi juga banyak orang yang pengen mencari cheat PB terbaru entah itu cheat Head shoot, cit darah tak terbatas cheat cash dan sebagainya

Untuk dapat menggunakan cheat PB terbaru bisanya orang rela melakukan apa saja asalkan cheat tersebut bisa membantunya menjadi dewa point blank, meskipun cara ini tidak sedikit yang di benci oleh para gamer lainya, penggunaan cit disinyalir menganggu sekali para pemain yang bermain secara fair,meski demikian di internet banyak juga yang menyediakan download cheat point blank terbaru

Berikut ini ada artikel menarik mengenai cheat point blank akan tetapi untuk resiko silahkan ditanggung sendiri bila ketauan oleh para gm karena sekarang ini cheater banyak sekali di buru, untuk dapat menggunakan cheat pb ini pertama tama kalian harus menyiapkan software

Download Cheat Point Blank Terbaru

Ini cheat credit dari N3
Fiture :
1. Wallshoot ( peluru tembus tembok )
2. Alt + Tab
3. missi major
4. ammo

Caranya :
1. extrax repack nya
2. buka repack nya
3. jalankan PB nya terus di start ( nanti repack akan suspend PB nya senditri )
4. Pilih cheat yg pengen ente aktifin ( disitu ada pilihannya) klik aja
5. kalo udah lo klik resume
6. PB nya udah jalan, udah deh happy cheating

Tanpa Password
Link :

Tapi sekali lagi saya katakan, saya tidak bertanggung jawab jika akun anda di banned ama GM, kalo gak pengen cheat-cheatan silahkan aja main di, dijamin gak ada banned dari gm dan gak pusing-pusing akan download cheat PB terbaru segala hee

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Professional Blogger Template Rusalka

Rusalka Blogger template is a professional blogger template that is converted from word press and css theme to blogger with great effort. It has all things you are looking for like Clean Open posting, navigation bar, Search box, and RSS ,Twitter Widgets, and more..

Template Properties:
2 columns layout, ads ready, Blogger, brown color, fixed width layout, navigation menu, right sidebar

Template Author : Vk Bhardwaj

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gelora Bung Tomo in Surabaya Sport Center

Inauguration of Gelora Bung Tomo in Surabaya Sport Center (SSC), Friday (6 / 8) night show of force seemed to be Mayor Bambang DH.

Besides not inviting national leaders, the Governor Soekarwo also not invited. The majority of the invited officials from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP).

Guests are seated in a chair main invitation only child of Gelora Bung Tomo, Bambang Sulistomo. Then, Vishnu, Sakti Buana, vice chairman of the Surabaya DPRD PDIP, Tri Rismaharini cawali Surabaya from PDIP and former East Java police chief Herman S Sumawireja. Herman himself is rumored to be plunged into politics through the PDIP.

In his speech, Bambang DH said, the construction of the SSC began in 2007, after previous plans did not materialize. "Thank you citizens of Surabaya, Surabaya and local administration officials," he said.

Bambang DH now confirmed the presence of national figures do not tell the inauguration of the SSC does not have to invite officials from the central state or ministerial-level officials as well as from East Java province. "SSC is built from the budgets of Surabaya. In addition, there are no rules governing the opening of sports facilities should invite the minister. Simply launch my own no problem, "he said.

Mentioned, that the inauguration of the SSC was impressed imposed because while he was still mayor, he said, the inauguration of the SSC was not enforced. Inauguration of the SSC because the growth process been completed.

Problem access roads, he said, did not fully complete. The reason, city government must free up some land belonging to local community, and waiting from the central budget. "We had no discussion with the center, if that municipal government can provide the land, they will help the development cost road construction," he said.

Foto Candi Bawah Laut

Sebuah foto candi bawah laut menghebohkan situs microblogging, Twitter beberapa hari belakangan. Disebut-sebut, candi tersebut berada di perairan antara Jawa dan Bali. Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata pun akan melakukan investigasi perihal foto candi tersebut.

“Misteri” itu terungkap sudah, candi tersebut adalah candi buatan yang ditenggelamkan pada 2005 oleh Paul Turley, seorang warga negara Inggris. Dalam situs berita Telegraph, Pria berusia 43 tahun ini mengaku candi itu ia tenggelamkan untuk menarik perhatian bagi sekolah diving yang ia buka di Pemuteran, Barat Laut Bali.

“Ketika saya mendengar berita tersebut, bahwa ada candi di bawah laut, saya langsung tertawa terbahak-bahak,” kata Turley. “Kami menenggelamkan candi itu untuk melakukan hal yang berbeda. Mungkin publisitas soal tersebut kurang, jadi banyak yang tidak tahu.”

Selain menarik perhatian, Paul bersama Chris Brown juga mengingatkan pentingnya konservasi. Mereka menjadikan candi tersebut sebagai terumbu karang. Mereka juga menerima donasi bagi para penyelam yang ingin menikmati candi tersebut. Hasilnya diberikan kepada nelayan setempat untuk merawat koral di taman candi tersebut.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Commemorating of Josef Frank

Josef Frank (born in Baden bei Wien on July 15, 1885 and died in Stockholm on January 8, 1967) He is a Designer Contemporary / Swedish Austrian of Jewish descent. He worked with Oskar Strand and related to the Vienna Circle. In 1933 he moved to Sweden, where he worked for the company's design and produced Svenskt Tenn design that produces a lot of work until he died. In 1965 he won the Grand Prize of the Austrian State for contemporary design.

Architects, designers, and the theory of Josef Frank was known throughout Europe in 1920 as one of the continent's leading modernists. However, despite the important contribution to the development of modernism, especially in the field of contemporary design, Frank has been largely marginalized from history.

While studying in Vienna, Josef Frank became the leader of the young generation of architects after the First World War. It was Josef Frank became an extreme critic of modern architecture and contemporary design in the early 1930s.

Ignoring the demands of modern lifestyle that is united, Frank insists that it is pluralism, not uniformity, the most distinguished living at a time of new machines. He was able to put these ideas in everyday life.

In 1933, he was forced to leave Vienna to Sweden. Josef Frank's work in Sweden with a modern design style in the World Architecture. For more than thirty years he was the main designer for the furniture company Svenskt Tenn in Stockholm, produces colorful design, conveniently, and exotic that provides a refreshing alternative

Ekspedisi Sangihe Talaud Menemukan Gunung Berapi Bawah Laut

Tim Indonesia Ekspedisi Sangihe Talaud (Index/Satal 2010) bekerja sama dengan Indonesia-Amerika Serikat menemukan cerobong gunung api di bawah laut dengan suhu cukup tinggi, yakni 300 hingga 400 deracat celcius. Jika gunung raksasa di dasar laut itu meletus, dapat berakibat kerusakan hebat disertai tsunami.

Ketua Tim Periset Indonesia dalam Index/Satal 2010, Sugiarta Wirasantosa mengatakan, hingga sampai saat ini tim ekspedisi bemum dapat memastikan seberapa aktif gunung tersebut.

"Gunung tersebut berada di kedalaman sekitar 2.000 meter di perairan Sangihe Talaud, dan ada aktivasi vulkaniknya," kata Sugiarta.

Ekspedisi itu dimulai awal Juli 2010 dan direncanakan berlangsung sampai 10 Agustus 2010. Kegiatan yang melibatkan 32 ilmuwan Indonesia dan 12 ilmuwan Amerika Serikat itu juga menganalisis hasil-hasil eksplorasi bawah laut dengan kapal riset Okeanos Explorer.

Di jelaskannya, Kandungan larutan bersuhu tinggi dari perut bumi itu mengandung mineral, logam, dan gas, yang dipengaruhi suhu air laut dalam yang mencapai 2-4 derajat celsius. "Hal ini menimbulkan aliran larutan dari perut bumi itu memperoleh pendinginan mendadak," lanjutnya.

Alasan Artis Luna Maya Ditahan

Artis Luna Maya ditahan, tersangka kasus pembuatan video porno yang diduga melibatkan Ariel Peterpan dan Cut Tari, ditahan di rumah tahanan Badan Reserse dan Kriminal (Bareskrim) Mabes Polri sejak Rabu malam (14/7) sekira pukul 22.00 WIB.

"Polisi menahan Luna karena dianggap tidak kooperatif," kata Kepala Penerangan Umum (Kapenum) Divisi Hubungan Masyarakat, Kombes Pol Marwoto Soeto, di Jakarta, Kamis.

Luna ditahan dalam kasus pembuatan video mesum yang diduga melibatkan dirinya, Ariel Peterpan, dan Cut Tari, kata Marwoto.

Luna dan Cut Tari ditetapkan sebagai tersangka Kamis pekan lalu (8/7), sementara Ariel sudah lebih dulu.

Selanjutnya, para penyidik akan melakukan pemberkasan kepada tiga tersangka yakni Ariel, Luna dan Cut Tari secara terpisah untuk diajukan ke pihak penuntut.

Kedua artis yang diduga terlibat dalam pembuatan video mesum dengan artis Nazriel Irham alias Ariel dan diancam dengan pasal 282 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) tentang asusila.

Polri sebelumnya sudah menetapkan tersangka Ariel dan telah menahan di Rumah Tahanan (Rutan) Bareskrim Mabes Polri sejak Selasa (22/6).

Festival Komputer Indonesia dan Indonesia Cellular Show

Festival Komputer Indonesia (FKI) dan Indonesia Cellular Show (ICS) 2010 resmi dibuka.

Kedua event komputer dan selular terbesar di Indonesia itu akan berlangsung selama empat hari, yakni mulai 14-18 Juli 2010. akan hadir dalam pameran yang diadakan oleh berapa event organizer ini ini. Berikut adalah beberapa diantaranya:

Pameran komputer: Mega Bazaar Computer
Event organizer: Dyandra Promosindo, PT
Tanggal: 3 Mar 2010 – 7 Mar 2010
Venue: Exhibition Hall A + B

Pameran komputer: Indonesia computer Festival
Event organizer: Dyandra Promosindo, PT
Tanggal: 14 Jul 2010 – 18 Jul 2010
Venue: Exhibition Hall A + B

Pameran komputer: INDOCOMTECH 2010
Event organizer: Dyandra Promosindo, PT
Tanggal: 3 Nov 2010 – 7 Nov 2010
Venue: Exhibition Hall A + B

Pameran komputer: NIX 2010
Tanggal: 24 April 2010 – 28 April 2010
Venue: Jogja Expo Center

Pameran komputer: Yogyakomtek 2010
Event organizer: Dyandra Promosindo, PT
Tanggal: 02 Oktober 2010 – 06 Oktober 2010
Venue: Jogja Expo Center

Pameran komputer: Apkom Joss 2010
Event organizer: Apkomindo Jogjakarta
Tanggal: 04 Desember 2010 – 08 Desember 2010
Venue: Jogja Expo Center

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kejuaraan Thomas dan Uber Cup di Kuala Lumpur

Indonesia mengirimkan 20 atletnya untuk mengikuti kejuaraan Thomas dan Uber Cup di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Turnamen yang akan berlangsung mulai tanggal 9 hingga 16 Mei 2010 itu menempatkan Indonesia sebagai unggulan kedua di Piala Thomas dan unggulan keempat di bagian Uber.

Taufik Hidayat dan kawan-kawan akan bertolak ke KL (Kuala Lumpur) pada Jumat pagi 7 Mei 2010. Dua hari kemudian, tim Thomas-Uber Indonesia akan menghadapi lawan masing-masing.

Untuk tim Thomas yang berada di grup D akan menghadapi perlawanan India (9 Mei) dan Australia pada (11 Mei). Sedangkan tim Uber akan lebih dulu menghadapi Australia (9 Mei) dan bertemu di Denmark pada 11 Mei.(rco)

Berikut Skuad Thomas-Uber Indonesia 2010

Thomas: Taufik Hidayat, Sony Dwi Kuncoro, Simon Santoso, Dyonisius Hayom Rumbaka, Markis Kido, Hendra Setiawan, Alvent Yulianto Chandra, Hendra Aprida Gunawan, Nova Widianto, Mohammad Ahsan

Uber: Maria Febe Kusumaastuti, Adriyanti Firdasari, Maria Kristin Yulianti, Lindaweni Fanetri, Greysia Polii, Nitya Krishinda, Shendy Puspa Irawati, Meiliana Jauhari, Liliana Natsir, Anneke Feinya Agustin.


UN Ulangan dimulai pada 17 Mei 2010

Sebanyak 5.610 siswa setingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas Jakarta mengikuti Ujian Nasional (UN) Ulangan mulai hari ini, Senin 10 Mei 2010, sampai Jumat 14 Mei 2010. Mereka merupakan siswa yang beberapa waktu lalu tidak lulus UN.

"Ujian ulangan diselenggarakan di rayon," kata Kepala Bidang SMP/SMA Dinas Pendidikan Jakarta Amsani.

Amsani mengatakan semua siswa yang mengikuti UN Ulangan sudah mengikuti pendalaman materi di sekolah masing-masing. Selain itu, menjalani pemulihan mental setelah tidak lulus ujian beberapa waktu lalu.

"Kami berharap, mudah-mudahan hasilnya baik, lulus semua," kata Amsani. Adapun hasil UN Ulangan ini rencananya diumumkan pada 21 Juni 2010.

Seperti diketahui, tahun ini ada sebanyak 9,3 persen (5.610 siswa) dari 54.525 siswa SMA yang tidak lulus.

Sementara itu, untuk siswa setingkat SMP. Dari sebanyak 135.473 peserta Ujian Nasional, 39.247 siswa (28,97 persen) di antaranya tidak lulus. Sehingga, mereka harus ikut UN Ulangan yang dimulai pada 17 Mei 2010.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

FTP and Custom Domains ; Advantages of Custom Domains Over FTP

First off, what is a Custom Domain? If you own a domain, we can host your blog at your domain instead of hosting at Unlike FTP, where you transfer the blog's files to a webserver hosted elsewhere, Google actually hosts the blog on our servers. So why would you want to start using a Custom Domain over FTP? When Blogger released Custom Domains a couple years ago, we pointed out a couple obvious advantages:

1) Simple setup.
2) Faster publishing. You no longer wait for files to transfer to your remote host; as soon as you click publish, the post is available and all archive pages are updated.
3) Drag and drop template editing. Blogger's newer templates offer you a lot more in terms of customization, and make designing your page a much simpler process.
4) Access control. You can restrict access to your blog when we host it; there's no way to do this natively within Blogger (though your webhost may offer a way to do this separately).

In light of the recent experiences with FTP, here's two more:

5) Fewer moving parts. As I've dug in over the last few weeks on issues relating to FTP, as often as not the problems were not Blogger-related but were a byproduct of a webhost implementing stricter security on FTP logins (only whitelisting certain IP addresses, for instance, or throttling access for certain users). These are notoriously hard to isolate, particularly when they involve coordinating support with a third party. No one - including us! - enjoys the terrible back and forth of "it's the webhost's issue" "no, it's Blogger's issue" "no, we're pretty sure it's the webhost's issue" when all you want is to be able to post to your blog.
6) Free, scalable hosting. Google knows a thing or two about hosting content around the world, and by relying on Blogger for hosting you're getting the advantage of a robust hosting environment - for free!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mario Teguh Will Close his Account in twitter

For TV lovers, especially Metro TV will familiar with master motivator who's named Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Though currently his planning Mario Teguh to close his account his twitter , but I'm sure, a strong mario remains a favorite motivator affairs.

Once upon a time Mario Teguh explain the meaning of success and how to build self-motivation. By using polite language and the words easily understood, making it easy explanation for the absorption and accepted.

This is a bit of a summary of the explanation of the Golden mario firm Ways:

50-year journey of life I've lived it concluded that success does not always mean getting trophies or praise, though there's nothing wrong if we get both. It's just not a criteria that all of the success itself. Therefore often difficult to find someone then-success of success ever achieved.

Simply success is how we get out of our comfort zone and try to be better than before. With this definition you will see so much success that you can see in yourself. If yesterday you could just help one person, these days you can help the two, and tomorrow you can help even more, then you succeed. With a positive feeling about the success you've achieved, then you will feel more successful and more confident with the ideals, vision and mission of your life.

I strongly disagree with the phrase, "Let us now difficult, if we'll succeed". This was clearly never going to succeed enggak. I asked, where the steps? Was not to big success must begin with little success and were?. There's a saying, "Success will give birth to another success." So from this proverb may be taken a lesson, if we are the easier it is to see our successes of the things small, it is easy for us to collect, accumulate and stepped achieve success greater. Believe dech, with little success that, sooner or later, greater success will come to you.