Thursday, December 20, 2012

Adding a MP3 Player to your Blog

With Google Gadget, you can easily add a MP3 Player to your blog. I have added one at the bottom of the right sidebar in this blog Recreation and Sport. All I have to do is to go to Google Gadget, choose "MP3 Player", click "Add to your webpage" and will be taken to the page Add this gadget to your webpage. You can set, title, the height and width of the MP3 Player. A default URL of a song is already added for you. If you have your own song hosted somewhere, all you have to do is to replace the URL of the default song with the URL of your own song.

In the case of the above blog, a check of the template revealed this:

.sidebar {
border-top: solid 1px #fff;
padding: 4px 0 0 7px;
background: #fff;
width: 260px;

That is, the width of the sidebar is 260 pixels. I thus set the width of the MP3 Player to 255I then click "Get the Code", copy the code generated, go to the template Layout, click "Add a Page Element" in the right sidebar section, choose HTML/Javascrip in the pop-up, pasted the code into the window and saved, then drag the new Page Element to the bottom of the right sidebar section.

To play the music, all one has to do is to click on the pink button.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Regarding Images from the Web

Blogger's image upload feature allows you to upload and display images in your posts. This is great when you want to add a photograph you shot or an image you created. However, there are a few details to note when it comes to images that are legally protected or hosted at someone else's expense.

Adding Images 'from The Web'

If you choose to 'Add an Image from the Web' using the image upload feature in Blogger, you shouldn't use an image location that is hosted at someone else's expense without their permission. Sometimes this is referred to as 'stealing bandwidth' because every time your blog loads, the image is loaded from their server, and this person likely incurs an expense.

Copyrighted Materials

Before you put an image in your blog, keep in mind that some images are protected as intellectual property through copyright. This means that the creator has sole legal rights to their works and may not want you copying and displaying them. If you're unsure whether or not an image is copyrighted, it's best not to risk it. However, there are places that make it easier for you to find images you're allowed to use

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Introducing Blog Tips

If we already have a new blog, of course we want our friends to know about visiting our website. Well, been published / presented, of course our friends will not know if we have a blog.

How our initial steps to publish a blog? By sending message to all of our friends? It could in fact we are considered spammers. So we need ways of 'polite':) Among others is as follows.

1. We must have an email right? Often / never too sure kirim2 email. Or even join the mailing-list. Well, we can subtly ngasitau address our blog to the email recipient. Way, by adding your blog address as a signature / footer when writing an email.
For example:

2. Friendster (or Multiply or similar services) have not you? In the About (in our Profile), do not forget to write also address our blog. Then if you're send-send message, do not forget to add the signature as point 1 above.

3. Like online via Yahoo Messenger? (or googletalk, etc.). We're online, write our status by including a link to our blog. Friends who will instantly see to click the address in the status of YM. So no need to send a message to all of our chat friends.
For example status:

Visit my weblog

4. Join the blogger community site, as I write this. Can add temen, can ask the same diajarin more good, not missed, and certainly with the growing of our blogger friends will then automatically add our blog visitors;)

5. If the initial steps have been tried, we can also enroll in a collection of bloggers directory. For example:


6. Blogwalking was and greeted each other or even commenting on other blogs, do not forget to leave a 'trail' (blog address).

Note:-rajinlah diligently to update the blog, at least once a week. If our blog is updated often, visitors who have come to be disappointed for not finding new writing, and then become reluctant to visit again.

Good luck;)