Thursday, March 5, 2009

Introducing Blog Tips

If we already have a new blog, of course we want our friends to know about visiting our website. Well, been published / presented, of course our friends will not know if we have a blog.

How our initial steps to publish a blog? By sending message to all of our friends? It could in fact we are considered spammers. So we need ways of 'polite':) Among others is as follows.

1. We must have an email right? Often / never too sure kirim2 email. Or even join the mailing-list. Well, we can subtly ngasitau address our blog to the email recipient. Way, by adding your blog address as a signature / footer when writing an email.
For example:

2. Friendster (or Multiply or similar services) have not you? In the About (in our Profile), do not forget to write also address our blog. Then if you're send-send message, do not forget to add the signature as point 1 above.

3. Like online via Yahoo Messenger? (or googletalk, etc.). We're online, write our status by including a link to our blog. Friends who will instantly see to click the address in the status of YM. So no need to send a message to all of our chat friends.
For example status:

Visit my weblog

4. Join the blogger community site, as I write this. Can add temen, can ask the same diajarin more good, not missed, and certainly with the growing of our blogger friends will then automatically add our blog visitors;)

5. If the initial steps have been tried, we can also enroll in a collection of bloggers directory. For example:


6. Blogwalking was and greeted each other or even commenting on other blogs, do not forget to leave a 'trail' (blog address).

Note:-rajinlah diligently to update the blog, at least once a week. If our blog is updated often, visitors who have come to be disappointed for not finding new writing, and then become reluctant to visit again.

Good luck;)