Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Six Top Reasons to Store Cord Blood

decision about cord blood collection is to be well in advance of delivery. Everyone, right of parents to an obstetrician, and related blood bank must be ready for storing before the baby is born.

One moment now may save your life later on

After the umbilical cord is separated from the mother, umbilical blood is collected. Doctors also may collect blood before the placenta is expelled. In both cases, the blood collected must be transported to a selected bank.

In the case of cord blood is collected before removing the placenta, umbilical cord is clamped and detached as usual. It is stored in bags and transported to the bank together with a sample of maternal blood. Care was taken to prevent clotting and bacterial contamination in krvi.Cijela collection process is painless.

Once the cable reaches the blood bank, it is analyzed by type of tissue and the presence of infectious diseases such as AIDS, malaria and hepatitisa.Uzorak are then processed to isolate the red blood, and Cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for future use.

T Six Reasons to store cord blood

  • serious diseases like lymphoma, leukemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia and even can be treated with cord blood transplant.
  • If the patient is able to use your own pattern, or if the sample shows a perfect match for his brother, then there are greater chances of cure.
  • There is very less chance of rejection of transplanted stem cells of umbilical cord blood of the recipient's body. This is because stem cells are immature immunoligically compared to peripheral blood or bone marrow stem cells.
    Patients experience a very low life-threatening side effects after the transplantation of blood.
  • If your child is ever needed, no need to seek donors. If any of your family members need it, then it is more likely to be perfect from cord blood. So, you can use early in treatment, stop the disease worsening, and enable faster recovery.
  • Many of the public banks have reduced the average cost of saving cord blood to help families who can not afford the cost of storage.

Swarms of people who visited the hospital to know more about conservation and how it will be useful for them in times of medical emergency slučajeve.Dan not far off when the doctors will be able to treat and completely cure some of the most serious diseases of the human body with help of cord blood.

So, are you part of the revolution yet?