Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cord Blood Storage and Why

to store the cord blood is cryogenically (freezing in liquid nitrogen) from umbilical cord blood or adult blood and keeping any public or private blood banks.

Those who choose a private blood bank to take this into consideration, in a sense, as a similar insurance: setting a perfect match of blood cells to their child, or immediate family member (if the matching blood type), should you need a transfusion or bone marrow future.

Storage of blood has both positive and negative factors that should be considered carefully.

First, the procedure is not without risk. Cutting the umbilical cord too soon or too late can cause complications for the baby - such as anemia, too much blood collected from the umbilical cord is cut too because shortly after birth


Second, the cord blood storage can be very expensive. Samples May cost more than $ 1000 + for storage, with annual fees, courier fees for services, fees and kit maintenance fees. Although one hopes to never have to use this blood, the cost of maintaining it and never use it May be something to consider carefully. Donating blood to commercial blood banks May be wiser, but received cord blood in case of disease, illness or other unfortunate event, and will not necessarily return your donation stem cells, as May and they were used for another patient.

Finally, research has clearly established that the use of one's own cells is better than using one of the donation. Most doctors recommend only if there is blood banking history. But some are already worried about the blood can be infected, and the transplant would not benefit the patient.

to store the umbilical cord, was done through a private or commercial banks, can give your family a sense of security and / or pleasure in giving to the other through donations. Understanding the procedures, risks and costs that May or May not be important to you, but the final result. Useful stem cells will be as storage and thawing procedures should be carefully considered when choosing a bank for his family